Thursday, 19 April 2012

Don't Panic

It'll be alright. It's Ok. Relax.

So I finally did it. I've started up a Blog (as I've been threatening it for years) at the insistence of my comrades. Let the inaugural ceremony begin!

Seriously though, i do plan on actually adding quite a bit of content in the next little while. I'm sure no-one wants to see a blank blog filled with naught more than a donut debacle and little else, so I'll put up some actual content in here quite quickly.


I guess i should introduce myself (i hear that's "correct" in society).
My name is Sean, more commonly known as Bean (nothing to do with the actor, though that would be wonderful... Mr.Sean Bean, if you every read this I'm a huge fan... but please try not to die in your next movie. I'm still having issues with your loss in LotR {yes i know Boromir dies in the book you commenters shut up.}). I've been gaming for far longer than i can remember, though my brother probably knows exact dates and, I imagine, times. It all began when i was but a wee sprat drawing mighty knights and horrid Dragons slaying each other in suitably gruesome ways (while dressed up as superman, but that's a whole other issue...).
At age 7, whilst looking for batman toys my parents took my brother and I into a hobby shop. Imperial Hobbies. My MECCA. bombarded by everything awesome we were quickly attempting to purchase everything in the store. While our plan failed i did manage to get a Games Workshop paint set (the one with the little chaos warrior and the space marine, whilst my brother bought the ROBOTECH roleplaying game. We'd been (and still are!) avid fans of the cartoon, and were enthralled with the concept of pretending to be our favorite characters for a REASON (other than being awesome.... that's just a given.).  We had no idea of what we were getting into (I blame you Dave!).
At age 10 my parents bought my brother and i the second edition battle for Armageddon Warhammer 40,000 boxed set (20 space marines and 60 Grots AND 40 Goffs AND CARDBOARD CUTOUTS... YES PLEASE!).
Needless to say, with purchases in hand, our wallets have never recovered .
Fast forward 20 years and I've managed 2 different Games Workshop store, Play(ed) regularly in multiple Roleplaying groups and I have more models than I have space (seriously, when I moved, my models and supplies made up 4/5ths of EVERYTHING I PACKED), and literally walls of RPG books. My brother is just as bad off (thanks for storing so much of my stuff Bro!).
I've won a over a dozen local painting awards from various gaming stores and contests. I've GM'ed and played in more games than i care to remember, and I'm even WRITING my own RPG system.
In my time I've played more wargames than many (it's not a pissing contest...) and I like to win (which i often do... Again, not a pissing contest. It's just true).
So there... that's a pretty full description of me i think. More than all of you will every care about.
Moving along...

Why am i doing this? 

(nice of you to ask, Mr.Strawman...)
Well i have a large number of colleagues, friends, acquaintances, busy-bodies and outright nutjobs that have been harassing me for quite a while to chronicle my way of doing things when it comes to "The Hobby". Tutorials, Reviews, random musings, and of course,  Tips and Tricks are all in the plan for Roll of the Dice. I aim to help people (and get my own random brain-thoughts out) in ALL aspects of what "The Hobby" means to them, through my rather terrifyingly large (admittedly, I'm prone to exaggeration) experience in these areas.
I've been the "Go-to" guy for teaching new games to people for many, many a year. I love to show people how to play games. I like to teach and help. Sharing ones love of these games is, in my opinion, a major part of "The Hobby", and should be encouraged to grow both the community and "The Hobby" itself.
So I'm bringing it to the masses as it were.
Cause I'm a nice guy.

What on earth is this "The Hobby" you keep speaking about??

Right... I should probably explain.
Many people have different versions of what "The Hobby" is.
"The Hobby" means, in my mind (duh!), Gaming.
Whether it's Roleplaying, Wargaming, Painting miniatures (yes, some people just buy the models to paint and not play the game), Boardgaming or just writing long winded essays about how much you suck at playing games in general (you still gain enjoyment from your whinging about games.. so that counts.. yay for catch 22's!), "The Hobby" is what you make it.
It's whatever kind of enjoyment you gain out of it.
and the keyword IS enjoyment. There's no point in doing something like gaming and not enjoying it. It's then just a waste of space, money, time and people (we invest ourselves in games to play with others... if you have a bad attitude you drive others away... and "The Hobby" suffers).
So I guess it all boils down to having a good time with friends and not being an asshat.
That's MY Hobby.... and to me, "The hobby".
Spread the Gospel!

What do you plan on doing (and why are you still talking)?

Well, I plan on updating a few times a week with, what I hope, is helpful information for people. Tutorials on painting or army building for the wargaming crowd. Thoughts and guides for GM's and players alike for Roleplaying games. Reviews of Products that I use that may help people make educated decisions on what to buy and from whom (Insert "please donate to the Bean needs to buy a new Camera fund" quip here). Lastly, here and there I'll post up movie reviews of movies I've seen and other random junk that I find about the web (I watch faaaar too many movies.. I own over 800 DVDs {yes I paid for every one... though I wish I hadn't for some...}).
In the End, I just hope that something i put up helps someone save a buck and enjoy their Hobby more. If I do that, then I havn't wasted my time.

So yeah., That is about it for me i should think. If any of this interests you then please check back soon as I'll have some posts up really soon and start this whole Blog off with some actual content.
If not, then "That's just, like, you're opinion man" and move along. Nothing to see here.
For those who do come back, STAY TUNED.
Keep rolling those dice.
Bean out~


  1. Yo Beano...
    So probably shouldn't be declaring myself via numerical order here(pretty tired of that shit), but shall be looking forward to what you get up to dude.

  2. Much obliged mate. Now let's see if i can keep it up! (that's what she said?)


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