Tuesday, 10 September 2013

We interrupt your regularily scheduled Program for something less... well.. programmed...

Crowd Control

As you may have noticed, there have been no posts last week nor, do I suspect, through the powers of Clairvoyance, any this week. There is a reason, and it's not just "Derp I done did forgotted!"

My Brother is getting Married this week (on Friday the 13th, because why not?) and all of last week, this week, and probably next week, I have/am/will be dealing with the various pitfalls of helping to coordinate the final bits and bobs of said event that they are having issues with (What do you mean you don't have a DJ yet? It's in 4 DAYS!.... at least you have the cake right? OH GOD...). Additionally, I just started Physio 3+ times a week and it's KICKING MY ASS, leaving me with little energy to do anything throughout the week.
On top of ALL OF THAT, Aarons' got some stuff he's dealing with as well.
Lastly, long lost bretheren, Maqy and Richard, are busy as well (Richard having been recently married himself and organizing to come to a shindig I've organized tonight on my Brothers behalf, and Maqy flying across the pacific ocean from Hong Kong to come to the wedding (only to then uproot afterwords and head to England and then Paris (your life is sooooo tough Den~) makes for one hell of a busy schedule.
Thusly, as you can all appreciate, there's been little time for the ol' blog-o-sphere lately. Hopefully next week or, worst case, the following week, we'll get things back up and running.

Until then,
Torque machines suck, but Electro-machines are lots of fun.
Bean out~
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