Monday 3 February 2014

An Explanation and a Theory

To begin with you should all know that I'm not ignoring this little blog, despite the fact that I've been posting less and less and letting it fade into the background. No more excuses, these are the full, unfiltered reasons which are few but pertinent.
1. I've been super busy. For those that know me personally, this sounds a little silly as I am unemployed (due to medical reasons, not laziness. Though I admit I've had a lot of time to work on my xbox score...), but it's not an incorrect statement. Between Physio-therapy, doctors visits, meetings with governmental departments (which take up a full day AT LEAST), volunteering my time to teaching others, playing Xbox (and Payday 2, and Mechwarrior Online, and Neverwinter, and WoT....I likes me some video games) with my mates, my GF, and my brother, AND having a whole slew of painting projects, AND AND trying to get fit to work again, I don't have a whole lot of time to write articles for this blog.
2. Lack of support. I do this pretty much by myself. I've attempted to get others involve, but to be honest, they don't have time, or care, or whatever, to help put up articles on time, which leaves me with a work load I can't support any more.
3. Lack of game time. Barring a pseudo-weekly Sunday night roleplaying session with my chums,  don't get to play games much. You all don't want a play by play of our sessions as they are mostly about us all laughing and making asses of ourselves (as evidenced by my Star Wars character gungan gunslinger known as Gunga-Dan..... yeah.... we laughed. A LOT). If I'm lucky A friend will show up once a month and we'll play some mini games which are infinitely more exciting from a blogging point of view, or sit-in and paint. Usually it's my buddy Harry, or, on the ultra-rare occasion it'll be Richard. on those occasions you'll see content on here.

When I started this blog, it was out of boredom. I was living in the middle of nowhere, an hours drive from the nearest store or person. When you don't drive, that's very far away. When you are dealing with mobility issues due to an accident and can't really walk, that's even further away. Hence, I found myself with a LOT of spare time. I don't have that any more, and there is, realistically, every chance that I'll just one day stop posting on here. If the others post, that's neat, but it's also doubtful. Such is life.

So there you go. The full, unabridged reasons why posting has dried up. Hopefully it'll pic up, but I guarantee nothing (especially if I get this job I'm waiting on...).
'Nuff Said.

in other news, I've posited a Theory to my friends, and the more I think about it, the more it seems to ring true. My theory is simple and is as such.

The Future is made of Hexagons.

obviously, I don't mean the people are, but think about it. Every future based visual you see, BAM! there are hexagons. In miniature games (Infinity, Dropship Commander, Deadzone), in Television (Almost Human, Doctor Who), in film (the hunger Games, Total Recall, even Supermans suit in Man of Steel - He's from an advanced civilization and his suit is made of HEXAGONS!). Everywhere you look, mankind has, in an effort to make something futuristic, added Hexagons.
therefor, the future, as we see it, is Hexagons.

Do with that what you will.

Until next time 
Whenever that may be,
Bean out.


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