BA Battle Report
So, just yesterday I had the chance to play a game of Bolt Action with a buddy before physio. We decided to take some pictures and well... Here it is~
1000 point Army lists to come soon (hopefully)
Turn 1, various units come onto the board. Nazi's have issues bringing units onto the board (panzer, HQ, flak 38 and a heer squad do not make it on, American HQ and bazooka mounted jeeps fail to make it)
2, Americas move up, failing to cause more than a single pin in damage.
Germans reply with a sniper kill on a unit, everything comes on board
3, american air support fails to materialize while german artillery
lays out a ton of pins and annihilates the American HQ JEEP leaving the
team with 4 pins. The greyhound moves up and drops the German sniper
team with accurate MMG and light AT fire. The panzer fires at the
greyhound but it recces away leaving a nearby infantry squad to get
hosed with MMG Fire and loosing a man.The Germans advance while the
Americans are forced to take cover (go down).
4, the American air support materializes laying down a few pins and
wiping out the German Waffen SS squad. The flak 38 opens up on the
american infantry squad taking refuge amongst the dragons teeth but
misses. The hellcat advances and opens up on the panzer and flak 38,
ricocheting it's AT shot but managing to kill a crew member from the
flak gun. The panzer misses it's shots.
greyhound moves forward missing the panzer but managing to cause a pin
and killing the adjutant in the the German LT. Squad. The German and
American infantry advance.
5, the panzer fires away to no avail while the grey hound rushes up
putting pins on the german MMG and making another crew kill on the flak
38. Next the hellcat moves up setting fire to the panzer with its heavy
AT and putting yet another pin onto the flak 38 with its HMG. The
greyhound then flees (recce) away from a German heer infantry assault.
They take control of the objective but the greyhound remains alive.
German MMG and FLAK opens fire on the besieged american infantry squad
killing one. Once more they go down (failed rally check). The American
engineers move forward causing 3 kills, including the SGT of the veteran
heer squad claiming the objective.
Meanwhile the German Forward observer snipes a member of an American infantry squad.
6, the objective is piggy backed to a rear squad while the unit fires
on the advancing engineers killing 4 of the 5, leaving the flamethrower
to avenge their deaths with FIRE! (Killing 2). Miraculously the heer
stay on the board! (Moral roll of two ones!).
hellcat managed to only stun the panzer and place a further pin on the
flak 38. The greyhound crushes a unit of heer but the other escapes it's
wrath. The jeep moves up depositing the bazooka team within reach of
the panzer who promptly miss. The German artillery observer moves
forward and kills the bazooka team like a boss.
Turn 7!
second American air support finally comes in, wiping the panzer off the
board and placing pins all about. The greyhound finishes off the Flak
38 and the artillery observer. And with that the game ends in.... A
(The side that carries the objective market off their table edge wins the game. Otherwise the result is a draw.)
as Always,
Comments and Criticisms welcome.
Bean out~