Thursday 9 August 2012

On the Workbench: Vitamin Bean

On the Workbench

Real Life
No I'm not dead (Close... but not dead...), which is the main reason for the dearth of solid articles on my behalf. Life, as it has been well documented, can get in the way. As such, I've not had any time to write anything worthwhile for all you lovely people out there and have let the 2 new guys (Richard and Maqy) pick up my slack. While I agree this isn't cool, alas it is what it is, and thus I've not got a lot of time to commit to the blog at the moment.
Things might be like this for a little while, though hopefully they'll get sorted and I can get back to doing what I so greatly enjoy soon (blathering on at length about gaming, roleplaying, models and painting). Posting will continue as it has been for the last couple weeks (short snippets that I type out when I can), so don't worry the usual stuff will still be up along with Richards most excellent articles about army lists, and Maqma has a few articles still up his sleeve, so all is not lost.

For now, a glimpse into what I've been working on (not a lot):
Hasslefree Hazmat fire-team

Razzle El'Dazzle: Conqueror and all round fancy lad.

I've also been trying out some new Primers and a few new types of paints, and (hopefully) I'll have some reviews up for them shortly.
Until then... Here's a Unicorn playing piano:

Bean out~

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