Thursday 6 December 2012

Crazy concepts: A study in what is possible

Thursday Theories

I, like many of you, have aspirations of creating something great and memorable for wield on the table top against my opponents. Most of the time, these concepts sit in my note books, floating around in the back of my brain, never to see fruition. But not today, today, I'm going to post up some crazy concepts I've had in the last while:

Crazy 40k army concept #1
Native Indian Space Marine Chapter
Based on the old concept of the Deathwing from waaaay back in the day, this arm would feature a large amount of earth colours and armour tokens. lots of feathers, bone and wood armour accoutrements, Warpaint and lots and lots of awesome close combat weapons. Tomahawks, power knives, war clubs, etc.
The army would specialize in hit and run tactics and feature an abnormally sized scout company, though they would function more akin to the Space wolves version of Scouts than the standard codex type. Warrior lodges and shamans would provide lots of opportunities for conversion work.
Codex Space Wolves.

Crazy 4ok army concept #2
Aztec Space Marine Chapter
Colourful, lots of feathers, warpaint and gemstones. Strong contrasting colours, with each type of warrior (Tactical, Assault, Sternguard, etc.) being from a different warrior temple (Jaguar, Eagle, Spirit/Demon, Coyote, Heron). Head-dresses and icon bearers would denote different levels of veterancy.
Army would feature a large amount of Skull and Death imagery. Background wise the chapter would be very ritualistic, and feature sacrifices, Heart eaters and brutal to excess.

Crazy 40k army concept #3
Mechanized Renegade Guard Army
Highly mobile and featuring large amounts of artillery and aerial support. Being, in the majority, a renegade army consisting of scroungers, the down-trodden and high-hopes for release from Imperial oppression, the army would be built using a large amount of ORK bits and pieces to obtain a ramshackle, jalopy look.Work crews with whip-equipped task masters laying rail for the crews. Dirty and muddy, the army is used to high attrition due to low training and insufficient equipment.
Think WW1 era peasant army.
maxim style heavy machineguns on horse-drawn carriage mounts.
Ork Battle Wagon turrets atop Leman Russ bodies with Battlewagon dozer blades. Dakkajets converted for renegade human pilots. Tractor drawn artillery pieces. Train/rail driven cannons.
Lots of the new Dark Vengeance style Chaos Cultists and FW style renegade militia models.

So there we are, those are the concepts floating around in my brain right now. What concepts do you all have in the back of your brains, lurking and drawing occasional inspiration?
Let me know in the Comments below.

Until next time,
Keep on Dreaming.
Bean out~

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