Armies ala Bean
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The model does not choose you, you choose the model |
Over the course of writing this blog, I and Richard, have written a goodly few lists and army concepts for others to use. Themed army lists, conceptual lists, Tournament worthy gaming lists, and sometimes even silly explanations for why we're painting up certain units. One thing we have not done is written down our favoured lists that we actually use against each other and other players when we DO play games (Yes this happens). That changes now:
In this first installment I'm going to start with my preferred game of choice: Infinity
Therefor any list I write should NOT be thought of as a tournament list or even particularly GOOD, though I will write explanations for why I've included certain models or units.
You have been warned.
Ariadna Rapid Reaction Force - 300 point
Fire Team URSA
Line Kazak (x 3):
Rifle type
SWC: 0
Cost: 9 (27)
Tank Hunters Regiment:
Autocannon type
SWC: 1.5
Veteran Khazak:
Doctor type
SWC: 0
Veteran Khazak:
HMG Lieutenant Type
SWC: 1
Kazak Doctor:
SWC: 0
Fire Team ABLE
4eme De Chasseurs:
Minelayer type
SWC: 0.5
Highlander Cateran:
T2 sniper rifle.
SWC: 1
Cost: 29
1er Regiment de Paracommandoes
Light GL type
SWC: 1
Cost: 25
Ariadna Scout
E-Mauler Type
SWC: 0
Cost: 31
Fire Team URSA - 7 orders + 1 Lieutenant order
Fire Team ABLE - 3 orders + 1 Irregular order
Total Model Count - 11 models.Total points - 294
So why the choices I've made?
Well, beyond the fact that I've chosen the models that look the most awesome to me, I've gone for a balanced list. The first team is composed of the work horses of the list. The Line Kazaks act as cheer leaders, defending the back field against any AD combat drop or backfield shenanigans. They also allow you to set up a strong midfield by bracketing the enemy through judicious use of suppressing fire and fire arc filtering. The Lieutenant Veterna Kazak sets up in cover with a strong field of fire as, thanks to his AP HMG he can command the entire field by dictating where the enemy goes through suppressing fire and a high ballistics score. The Doctor Veteran Kazak Is set up on whichever flank your opponent has left weak and drives up the side to meet up with elements of Team Able. Thanks to his Doctor ability he works well as a solo tank and also strong support for the forward elements of your team. The VetKD also is easily swapped out for a standard AP Rifle VetKazak who can just throw down as a tank and to scare the enemy. The Doc Kazak sits in the back field covered by one of the cheerleaders near the Lieutenant and mops up the blood from the fight. Lastly the Tank Hunter sets up in cover with the largest field of fire... and waits. He's there to play whack-a-mole with anything scary via his pop-up Autocannon shenanigans. Huge range, Camo, AP+EXP ammo with high strength AND Burst 2? barring crap dice rolling, he'll make sure your enemies go away.
As for Team Able, they are the go-getters in your list. The Paracommando drops in your opponents mid field and rains explosive annoyance with high mobility and a light GL. The Chasseur zips around around the field laying mines and dictating opponent movement (don't forget the mighty light flamethrower the model wields... Those things are scary) with camo counters. The Cateran finds somewhere high and concealed and looms over the battlefield with his T2 Sniper rifle. Don't be afraid to move this model as he has Jump and can get around very very fast. Very few options are closed to the Cateran. Use the Scout to harass the enemy by dropping Emaulers in narrow corridors and behind corners and to generally act as a tertiary sniper with their Ojodnik Rifle.
The name of the game with this list is battlefield dominance through aggressive field manipulation. It allows you to force opponents movement where you want it, or they suffer the consequences, while bringing high damage long range where it works best. Divide and conquer, people.
So that's my preferred list for Ariadna. If there are any questions or comments, feel free to comment below.
Until next time,
Seek and Destroy.
Bean out~
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