Tuesday 4 June 2013


Looking back

First and foremost. An apology.
For those of you who check in diligently each week, two to three times a week to check for updates: I'm sorry there have been no updates. There are a myriad of reasons why, but, if I'm trying to be professional about all this, none of them really count. Therefor, again, I apologize.

Secondly, I shall impart the reasons for my absence, though they are myriad:
A: Health- I've been sick, which in addition to past injuries (The reason I lived so far from humanity for the past year and a bit), meant I was spending a surprising amount of time in and out of doctors offices and hospitals.
B: I found I was slipping into something I greatly hate: A pedantic complainer about something I love, the hobby, due to the actions of a certain games company. I was embittered by what they had done and that was leaking into how I was writing. Why does that mean? It means I was not writing about the hobby so much and writing around the hobby. Honestly I was pulling a Stelek, which, while I find it's very useful and contributes to the hobby, it's not how I want to contribute to the hobby.
C: A lack of Audience participation- Honestly, This Blog has never had much of a comments section. Every once in a while someone would drop into the comments section to complain about how something I or Richard had typed was wrong, and blah blah BLAH, but, other than the trolls who can't help themselves (sad...sad...sad...) there was never any participation from the greater world despite hitting over 100,000 views.  I crave interaction. That's why I started this blog. Not to add another voice to the internet (there are already far too many), but to add to, and hopefully partake in, the amazing discussion and interactions that the internet has shown me it's capable of. The back and forth, the intelligent conversations about the hobby that one can only find online. By not getting that, I found my interest waning in the blog... And with the incredible surge of NOTHING I received for the contest, That kind of sealed my opinion and disinterest.
D: A general Malaise about the hobby- This was most definitely the most contributing factor to the lack of posts. I was focusing on what pissed me off (Games Workshops continued decent into madness and bullshittery) instead of what made me happy (Everything else!). And this really stemmed from something that, I admit, took my girlfriends opinions to bring to light.

I felt betrayed.

You see, I was raised on GW. I started into the hobby because of that companies games. for 21 years, I've been playing their games, enjoying the worlds they built, and when it became impossible to continue, it hit me like a freight train. My [gaming] world came crashing down. I lost all interest in playing the games that I currently play because, and this is key, the games I grew up playing were now inaccessible to me. My friends all have wives and kids and real bills to pay (As do I...) and couldn't afford to keep playing the games of my childhood, and, as such, have moved on from GW product to concentrating on other games (Warmachine/Hordes, Infinity, Warzone, etc.).
This stymied me considerably as I could no longer play the games that I had ASSOCIATED with fun from an early age.... despite the fact that I honestly haven't enjoyed playing them in YEARS. It was just my rose-tinted goggles of yesteryear that blinded me to what had changed and I wasn't able to move on from that.

But not any more!

I'm moving on. I've moved to a new city (close to Richard!!), am out of exile, and am getting my house in order (figuratively and literally). I have access to new gaming groups as well as old, I've re-acquainted myself with my weekly gaming group and have re-joined. And, indeed, I'm taking up an old favorite once more. That's right, I'm moving back to Warmachine/Hordes... Funding provided by the selling of all my superfluous GW product, as well as putting a focus back on the games I do really enjoy: Infinity and Warzone.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm not giving up on GW. There will be the odd project still undertaken, but it's effects on this blog will be minimal (Unless they bring out Warhammer Quest again.... then sweet baby Jebus I'll skip right on down to GW and purchase myself a copy while singing to blue-birds and the SUN ITSELF). I've re-located my gaming passion and, to bolster it, I've found others who will actively play and partake in the hobby with me.

So, It's with great pleasure that I can say, I'm back.

Let's do this.

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child, but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 
 - Corinthians one, chapter thirteen verse eleven. 

Bean out~

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