Tuesday 4 September 2012

Scrub-a-dub-dub Part 1: THE SECRET OF THE OOZE

Tutorial Tuesday

We've all got one of those miniatures. You know the ones I'm talking about. That model you painted umpteen years ago while half blind from your 9th double rum and coke after painting all the way through all of the Lord of the Rings extended Editions (Natch!). That model(s) you look at now and actually hope they'll burst into flames so no-one can see your secret shame.
Or maybe that's just me.... and how most of my Saturday nights go....
Anyways, here's my guide to absolving you of your painting sins and washing away those unsightly paint jobs.
Until the next one...

The Answer to your failures. $15.00 from Canadian Tire... or whatever your DIY store is.

Step the first:

So First off you're going to need three things:
  1. Simple Green
  2. Some sturdy Dollar store tupper-ware with a lid (while non-toxic it smells super... green.)
  3. Some painted models.
The Usual Suspects.

Step two:

Put your models into the tupper-ware and cover them with the Simple Green!
Blub Blub Blub...
Still a better movie than Waterworld...

Step three:

Put that stuff away for a rainy day.


Simple Green is awesome. It won't hurt you're plastic models (I've forgotten models in a container for over a YEAR (365 days!) and those plastic models were still as safe and hale as the day they were F***'d up with paint. Simple green will loosen you're paint and Super glue/epoxy joins, but won't harm your green stuff or plastic,  so feel free to forget about those models in the green bath for a while. I suggest a week in the soup to make sure all of the paint comes loose. It'll peel off your models like well chewed bubblegum.

In the next part I'll show you how to clean your models of the malicious goop that/s left on them after you've given them the mighty green bath.

So until next time,
Don't forget to clean behind the models ears!
Bean out~

Note: Yes, that most definitely is Krull playing on the TV in the background. One of Liam Neeson's greatest movie roles ever.


  1. Love the green.

    I have learned to but the small sealed tub with figs/simple green inside of a larger sealed tub - keeps the smell contained.

  2. I... hadn't thought of that...
    Guess it's off to the store again. Thanks!


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